visarte zürich

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Mirjam Blanka Inauen und Valentina Pini «Nebulous Surface»

14. September 2023 — 16. September 2023

«Nebulous Surface» bringt zwei Künstlerinnen zusammen, die sich mit Materialität, Transformation und den sensitiven Nuancen von Fragilität auseinandersetzen.

«While her compositions are of maximum simplicity, Mirjam Blanka Inauen's paintings seek the greatest possible precision in the choice of color and materials. The artist and musician puts simple shapes on a grid, repeats, mirrors, and overlays them to create ornamental patterns. Inspired by music, her work aims to create a tension between structure and fluidity.

Valentina Pini is presenting a new series of photos of objects and a sculptural arrangement. “There is a potency to the object I cannot quite put my finger on: it is charged with something that I cannot identify, as though it is vibrating: it is not mute, but it speaks in a language that I cannot fully understand.»

Vernissage: Donnerstag, 14. September 18 - 21 Uhr

Freitag, 15. September, 14-18 Uhr (Valentina Pini ist anwesend)
Samstag, 16. September, 14-18 Uhr (Mirjam Blanka Inauen ist anwesend)

Schoffelgasse 10, 8001 Zürich